Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Design principles and learner empowerment in the exploration of the

Helen Keegan, University of Salford
Web 2.0 for student autonomy.
Moving from instructivist approaches. Obviously need for them to 'professionalise themselves' - 'impression management.'
Professional AV media production course.
Students came adept at producing and consuming media - but a disconnect between these.
Blogs to produce CVs - and reflect upon them.
Techies: 'how do we write?' Answer: 'Find your voice'.
She used a personal '20 minute rule' in her delivery to keep it 'mashed up' and appreciating how these students. Alot of time she passed control to students to talk through blogs/resources they were finding using lab software.
Authentic positive approach taken to creating a professional online identity that will hold them in good stead.
Question about vulnerability of students learning in the unsecure real world using external servers - answer: this is about learning to be professional (the risks of authencity).
Weaker students vulnerable? - yes a risk, but students were given the choice to go public.

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