Tuesday 9 September 2008


I've spent most of the last 24 hours (with no wifi) inventing GILES (Game-inspired learning environments0 concept) with Dave White (Oxford) and Nicola Whitton (Manc M) and realise that I can apply everything I've learned about 3dvw LEs and game-based learning at last (more later maybe...). This has already turned into a draft paper! I was invited with a handful of others to a very open-ended brainstorm by Lawrie Phipps from JISC. Exciting. Also connected with Bob Rotheram and agreed to collaborate on audio feedback somehow as we have a lot of parallel work going on. Now at ALT and connected (in all senses). Running an ARG across conf here - God knows how many are playing. Intention to promote engagement with creative applications of digital audio/media. About to run a an open house Thunderstorm session inviting spontaneous presentations from the audience in response to 'what are you doing with podcasting?'. Tomorrow a paper on creative apps for ed audio... knackered already.
Looking forward to the interesting challenges. Thanks! I hope I will be joined in this undertaking.
Note: this blog and comments are currently quite public!

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