Thursday 11 September 2008

Gilly Salmon and Clive Shepherd - invited speakers

This is retrospective hence brief. Lasting impressions? - It's good to be encouraged (even if I don't see myself as a Learning Technologist - how things have changed) to change the world. This was part of Gilly Salmon's message, encouraging the audience to make an impact in their work on education and so thye world. They half an new beast in the Zoo: CALF - concerned with Creating Academic Learning Futures (
Clive Shepherd looked backwards, in contrast to GS, at the different eras of learning technology since the 1960s. His background is training, not education. I didn't find the points he was making particularly transferable, though it is always amusing (and scary - when you think about the energy we have expended over the years)to reflect on how we were. I am so glad I am not in training. They are so focussed on the development of content. He recognised that the opportunity existed to promote and depend upon, to some extent, user-generated content.
(Will I ever look back and ask: why was I so driven by what I was doing then? OMG. I hope not)

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